Traditional Accounting is Killing Your Business

If you’re anything like me, you handed off accounting and bookkeeping ASAP to an accomplished professional, washed your hands of it, and waited to get paid.

Well come to find out, GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) are a lot like the Standard American Diet — F*cking SAD. 😢

I get a P&L every month, and I get paid a “salary” — as long as there’s money left in the bank after paying my expenses — but we all know that owning a business is a roller coaster in the first few years.

If a client moves on and my top line revenue decreases, guess who feels it first… ME.

⚡️Painful admission: I went like 6 months last year without paying myself.

Yeah, you read that right... It HURT, and I HATED IT. (Thankful for credit cards, mmkay)

@Elise Buie recommended Profit First by Mike Michalowicz during a discovery call in January, and I added it to my (admittedly long) list of books to read. She was right - game changing, life altering advice on a better way to run your accounting as a small business.

🛑 No more putting yourself last, and taking whatever change is left

🛑 No more delayed payments to your service providers, because you’re waiting on checks to clear

🛑 No more hoping you’ll have enough money saved up to pay your taxes

🛑 No more chronic anxiety about whether or not you’re actually profitable at the end of the year

Profit First takes the GAAP/SAD way of doing things (Sales - Expenses = Profit) and reverses it. As most of us have learned the hard way, there are never any “leftovers”, and most small businesses are hanging on by a thread.

The only way to get out of this survivalist rat race is to take your profit first, and feed the beasts - your expenses - with what’s left. This requires working differently!!

➯ You are not scaling at the cost of everything (including your sanity)

➯ You no longer focus on increasing sales to compensate for your overhead

➯ Efficiency becomes your focus, and innovation is a necessity


① Instead of working all of your accounting out of one bank account, you use 5 foundational accounts and disperse income into each one based on pre-determined percentages.

② You start with distribution percentages based on how you’ve been running your business, but every quarter, you adjust those percentages incrementally closer to your targets.

③ Money comes into the Income account and flows sequentially into Profit, Owner’s Compensation, Tax, & Operating Expenses (plus a few others, if you need more than the basic setup).

Instead of increasing revenue, your focus becomes on doing more, with less. Working smarter, not harder. Making your business better, instead of bigger. Lean & Mean. Cutting costs, paying off debt, and focusing on profitability first, not last.

As Mike says, “Nothing changes if nothing changes. If you don’t change the way you take your profit, you will never take a profit.”

Have you read Profit First? Did you implement it in your business? Let me know!


Your Valuation Sucks


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